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Everyone at the Barbara A. Lubin, MD LLC Practice is pleased you have chosen us to be your Primary Care Physician.  Please take a few moments to read over our office policies. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.



Appointments can be made by calling our practice directly at 850-785-8246, online through the Patient Portal, or via email Please bring your insurance cards and a valid photo ID to your appointment. If you have made the appointment for yourself, please don’t ask us to see/discuss another family member or friend during your appointment time. We would be happy to schedule an appointment for them at another time. Follow up appointments are required to be scheduled after testing has been ordered/completed. All results will be reviewed by our physician so an appropriate treatment can be determined.

NO SHOW FEE: Any cancellations, rescheduled or missed appointments with less than a 24 hour notice, will be assessed a $100.00 fee. 

No-Show charges are a patients responsibility and will not be billed to your insurance company.  Three no show appointments within a 6 month period of time will result in a termination from the practice.



In the event you need hospitalization, you would be admitted to the Hospitalist program. Once you are released from the hospital, your follow-up care will still be provided by Dr. Lubin.



The best time to get a prescription refill is at your appointment. We kindly ask that you do not wait until you are nearly out of your medication before requesting a refill. If it has been more than 6 months since your last visit, we may not be able to refill your medication without an appointment first. If you need your prescription re-filled between appointments, contact your pharmacy first. The pharmacy will notify your provider through a secure electronic prescription refill system called E-Rx. If an appointment is needed prior to your medication refill your pharmacist will notify you. Any new prescriptions or any changes in your prescription will require an appointment. Refills can only be authorized on medication prescribed by a provider from our office. We will not refill medications prescribed by other providers. Please allow 72 hours for all RX refills.  Narcotics: We do not prescribe narcotics for chronic use. If you require use of narcotics, our physician will refer you to a pain management specialist. Samples: We sometimes offer you samples to help you try out a new medication before you purchase it. Remember that samples are not a long term way to fill your prescription. We do not always have samples of your medications. Please do not rely on samples for medications you take.



At the time tests/labs are ordered patients are given a follow up appointment with the doctor, to discuss the test results and follow-up plan. Results will not be given over the phone. When test results are returned to the office, they are first reviewed by your physician. As soon as they are available, our nursing staff will make sure you have a follow up appointment and if needed will notify you. A copy of labs results will be also available on Patient Portal.



We accepts cash, personal checks, MasterCard, Discover, Visa and HSA.  Balance payments can be done in the office, by phone,  or by mail.

RETURNED CHECKS: The charge for a returned check is $35 payable by cash or debit/credit card only.

CO-PAYS:  Is the patient responsibility to present an insurance card at each visit. All co-payments, deductibles and past due balances are due at time of check-in unless previous arrangements have been made with our billing department. 

SELF-PAY: Self-pay accounts are patients without insurance coverage, patients covered by insurance plans in which the office does not participate. Self-pay patients will be required to pay a full balance at the time of service . Payment arrangements are available if needed and must be done prior to the visit.  Please ask to speak with a billing manager to discuss a mutually agreeable payment plan.  

INSURANCE CLAIMS: Insurance plan is a contract between you and your insurance company. We will bill your insurance company as a courtesy to you. In order to properly bill your insurance company we require that you disclose all insurance information including primary and secondary insurance, as well as, any change of insurance information. Failure to provide complete insurance information may result in patient responsibility for the entire bill. If your insurance company is not contracted with us, you agree to pay all charges not covered by insurance, including but not limited to those charges above the usual and customary allowance. 



We offer a Patient Portal for electronic medical records and safe communication with your physician and staff. Our portal is HIPAA Compliant and we encourage you to sign up and enjoy the convenience and benefits of this free service.  Through your patient online portal you can access all your information using your PC, Tablet, Laptop or Smart Phone. Patients can access: Appointments, Lab results, Medication List, Referrals, Health Records and Payments. 



1. When patients are referred to a specialist or other facility for follow-up care, a complimentary copy of the medical record is forwarded to the doctor.  

2. Sometimes, our patients will need a copy of their medical records in order to transfer to another physician. A records release form must be filled out, to ensure your privacy, in order for our records department to transfer your records to another Medical Facility.

3. Our patients may request a copy of their medical record for themselves, an insurance application or legal representation. The patient, insurer, or legal counsel will be billed at $1.00 per page.    



The billing statements are based on the type of service the patient received. The amount the patient owes may include insurance deductibles, non-covered services or charges, as well as co-payments, coinsurance, or other balances that may be due after the insurance has paid on a charge. We will file a claim with the patient’s insurance carrier. For certain types of insurance coverage, if there is a balance due after the patient’s insurance company has processed the patient’s claim, we will mail a billing statement to the patient.  



All patients receive a minimum of three (3) balance-due statements.  Payment arrangements may be made with our billing Department.  After 120 days of no payment or payment arrangement patients  will receive a Final Notice Letter.  If the balance is not paid within 10 days from receiving the Final Notice Letter,  patient accounts will be  placed with a professional collection agency or attorney. PLACEMENT WITH COLLECTION AGENCY: In the event an account is turned over for collections, the person financially responsible for the account will be responsible for the account balance plus all the collection fees.   



If you are “dismissed” from the practice it means you can no longer schedule appointments, get medication refills or consider us to be your Provider.  Common Reasons for Dismissal • Failure to keep appointments, frequent no-shows • Noncompliance • Abusive to staff/physician • 



Barbara A. Lubin, MD LLC

1124 Jenks Ave

Panama City, FL 32401

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    PHONE (850)785-8246

    FAX (850)785-8249

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    © 2023 by Barbara Lubin Practice. Proudly created with

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